• 125 Alta Mountain Road, Lewisburg, WV 24901

Aggregate & Coal

With the aggregate and coal industry growing every day and our location in the heart of coal country, we at C and M take great pride in our expertise and ability to contribute to this great industry. At C and M, we have been strongly associated with the aggregate and coal industry. At C and M, we have been strongly associated with the aggregate and coal industry for many years. When it comes to prep plants, tipples, load outs, conveyors, chutes, and other components of this industry, our experience and knowledgeable staff come second to none.

Our commitment to this industry has given us the opportunity to cater to some of the largest coal projects in this area and as far as Alabama and Canada. We understand at C and M that coal is not just a job but a way of life for many employed, and this has provided us with long-term working relationships with some of the largest construction companies in this industry. With our detail, design, fabrication, machine, and delivery capabilities our commitment is to make your project a success. Our clients will testify that C and M delivers on time and within budget and that we are defiantly “FRIENDS OF COAL”.